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Business transformation with enterprise process management software

Hundreds of organizations around the world trust Nintex Promapp®’s enterprise-grade process management to support their business transformation journey.

Effective business transformation doesn’t happen overnight, and it isn’t accidental. It comes about through a careful process of change management, driven by a vision of the future for your customers and organization. While the outcomes are publicly visible, the real work goes on behind the scenes.

Great customer outcomes start on the factory floor, and excellent front-of-house service begins in the back office. It’s the systems and processes of the business that allow for and drive better results, and they touch every level of the organization.

Having a clear understanding of your business processes and a succinct understanding of what you want to result from the transformation project is essential. That includes being able to paint a picture of the customer experience you’re trying to create and the key performance measures in terms of cost savings and risk management that you want to achieve.

Start where you are

In order for a business transformation to be effective, you need a robust picture of the current state of affairs.

Working with assumptions is like juggling landmines and will only create roadblocks and breakdowns in the program, eroding ROI and dragging out project deadlines. Transformation teams need a concise understanding of the existing processes, and the best way to achieve that is through collaborative process mapping.

Nintex Promapp® has been the tool of choice for numerous enterprises undertaking a business transformation journey. By engaging the teams that know the processes best, and using a simple but powerful process mapping platform, it allows organizations to quickly and effectively capture the as-is state of their processes.

Process information can also be imported or translated from existing sources, ensuring the time and energy of the team can be spent on analyzing the current state of the business instead of rebuilding or collecting the necessary documentation. With the business processes mapped and managed within Nintex Promapp®, those responsible for the transformation effort can focus on the extent of changes needed and what is required to enact them.

Bring the whole team on board with process improvement initiatives

Capturing and mapping business processes is just the beginning. They can’t remain static if transformation is the goal, and to make those changes requires buy-in across the board.

The people who use the processes every day are the subject matter experts and hold a wealth of experience that can be leveraged for positive change. Ensuring they can be heard, and those innovations can be implemented requires a flexible and collaborative process platform.

Nintex Promapp® invites engagement by putting process information in the hands of the business teams that use it and providing effortless feedback opportunities. When ideas and improvements surface, process experts and everyday users can engage in the process conversation with ease.

Personalized notifications and feedback logs ensure that innovative solutions don’t get lost or neglected.

With ongoing change, the business transformation team can assess the project’s velocity and direction through change management dashboards and cost reporting. Nintex Promapp® offers system tagging to track the impact of process management on key systems, and version control to highlight changes from one version to another or revert where change has overtaken the project bounds.

The Process Approval workflow lets process experts assign key stakeholders to manage the changes as they occur, approving, and publishing process updates in line with the project goals.

Hold the course for business transformation

The best transformation efforts can’t bring positive change until they filter through the organization to the everyday operations of the business. That means bedding down the change in processes, ensuring they are adopted.

In order for teams to embrace the new approaches and realize the benefits for the business, they need to be able to easily find and follow the processes. A business process management platform like Nintex Promapp® allows everyone to find the information they need with ease, and grasp the content they need effectively.

With the return to business as usual, process owners can resume managing the processes on a day-to-day basis. That doesn’t mean a new, static status quo though. Continuous improvement is a vital part of effective business process management and Nintex Promapp® provides the tools for the ongoing evolution of an organization’s procedures.

As business teams continue to collaborate, change is ongoing, capturing innovation and embedding the drive for excellence in the very DNA of the business.

Business transformation can be an expensive and risky undertaking. It relies on engagement at every level and a robust, sophisticated platform to carry the organization on to success. Hundreds of organizations around the world trust Nintex Promapp® to manage their processes through that change, and to support the emergence of better outcomes for staff and customers alike.


Interested in learning more about how Nintex Promapp® can help your team? Request a free demo today. 


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