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Solving multiple business challenges to remain competitive

With more than 1,000 branches throughout the country, Tipsport is the largest betting agency in the Czech Republic. The organization was founded in 1991 and enables people in the Czech Republic and Slovakia to place bets on a wide range of sporting and social events.

Because the company is constantly looking for ways to improve operational efficiency, Tipsport evaluated products from multiple vendors and selected Nintex K2 Five for intelligent process automation.

K2 Software was also capable of integrating with the widest number of technologies, in addition to Microsoft SharePoint Online, giving the company the ability to develop more sophisticated end-to-end business processes. Tipsport has now automated a number of business processes with Nintex K2 Five, allowing it to cement its role as a leader in the gambling industry.

Entertainment / Recreation
Capabilities Used
Application Development

Who they are

Founded in 1991, Tipsport is the largest betting agency for sporting and social events in the Czech Republic.

What they needed

To support operational efficiency and business growth, Tipsport needed a tool to support intelligent process automation.

How they did it

The company levered K2 Software with Microsoft SharePoint to develop sophisticated end-to-end business processes.

Fast approvals for a critical invoicing process

Challenge: A time-consuming invoicing process

Tipsport is firmly established as the largest betting agency in the Czech Republic, but it is constantly looking for ways to improve its operational efficiency to help it maintain this leadership position.

The company selected the Nintex K2 Five to develop a series of automated business workflows to improve the efficiency of key processes at its head office. Up first was its invoice management process, a time-consuming task that once took several days or even weeks and provided little visibility into the status of this important financial process.

Solution: Not taking any chances

Tipsport successfully automated its entire invoice management process, from receipt of invoice all the way through to notifications of payment. This process is typically used by 100-150 employees every month, but 300 people are authorized to enter invoices into the process. Managers receive alerts when invoices need approval and can sanction payments from their desktops or mobile phones, and the entire process takes just a few minutes.

Managers also have greater oversight into this important financial process, allowing them to track the history of all invoices, approvals, and payments and ensure that invoices are not overlooked or handled incorrectly. Employees, therefore, have greater confidence in the invoicing process and know that the invoices they are responsible for will be paid on time.

I really appreciate Nintex K2 Five as a business automation platform and its professional services team of people who really care about my business.
Jan Mejstrik, SharePoint and K2 Software Administrator, Tipsport
Adapting quickly to business change

Challenge: Integrations and adaptability are key

When it initially evaluated solutions for the business, Tipsport knew it needed a platform that could integrate easily with line-of-business (LOB) systems. It already used Microsoft SharePoint Online as a platform for data sharing, but the SharePoint workflow development tools didn’t provide all the functionality the business needed to create integrated workflows and were too inflexible to accommodate process changes.

In addition, the platform needed to be able to adapt quickly to business change. Government oversight as well as shifting internal priorities meant that processes could require adaptation at any time.

Solution: Meeting business needs quickly

Over a period of two years, Tipsport has been able to use Nintex K2 Five to solve several business challenges to help meet the requirements of its small team. The platform integrates with existing LOB systems, making it easy to adapt to business change. For example, the company has developed a simple app to help it comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This app works by allowing the company’s security office to define up to three people who must approve a document before publishing, thereby controlling access to sensitive data.

From employee onboarding to training requests, Tipsport developed its Nintex K2 Five processes in-house, guided by its documentation and customer support team. “I must say that I am very satisfied with the support,” says Mejstrik. “I always get the information I need.”

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