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Insurance Fraud Bureau reduces document handling time by 80 percent

Insurance Fraud Bureau reduces document handling time by 80 percent

The Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB) of Massachusetts investigates approximately 4,000 potential fraud cases a year. Each case requires a copious number of documents, 80 percent of which were paper. When an investigation kicks off, the bureau prints out stacks of electronic documents, making the entire process paper-based.

“Before, we had to stick someone in front of a copy machine to copy thousands of documents,” says IFB’s IT Development Manager, Ira Dobrow. “All the papers went into a box, which the investigator wouldn’t get until someone dropped it off. A process that could be delayed up to a week, which caused frustration for all parties involved.”

Tracking down documents was time-consuming and created delays in case processing. Dobrow needed a way to expedite the case investigation process and sought a solution from Nintex partner KnowledgeLake.

Insurance Fraud Bureau of MA
Financial Services
Capabilities Used
Automation Cloud

Who they are

The Insurance Fraud Bureau of Massachusetts is an investigative agency dedicated to the systematic elimination of fraudulent insurance transactions. Authorized by an act of the Massachusetts Legislature and signed into law in 1990, the Insurance Fraud Bureau conducts criminal investigations and refers appropriate cases for criminal prosecution.

What they needed

The Insurance Fraud Bureau of Massachusetts' investigative process involved printing boxes of documents and a manual review process for every case, challenging staff time and storage capacity. They needed a better, faster, more secure, and accurate way to process complex fraud case documentation.

How they did it

Nintex Advanced Workflow helped IFB digitally transform its paper-based processes. They now scan all documents into electronic formats, save them into an online library, and have automated the copying and printing process.

Intelligent process automation shaves a week off every investigation

Centralized document management workflow

Since implementing Advanced Workflow for SharePoint, IFB now scans documents into electronic format and stores them in a central online SharePoint document library. Documents are tagged to the correct case and routed accordingly. Distributing paper documents is no longer necessary, and the new process shaves a week off each investigation. With the online document library, team members can access investigation materials from within the business applications they use every day.

Automating the investigation process helped the bureau reduce copying and printing costs by about $5,000 a year and eliminated the need for storage of paper documents.

I think everybody will recognize the idea that SharePoint can be a bit overwhelming at the beginning. It was really comforting to have a tool like Nintex to attack those issues in a really easy-to-use but powerful environment.
/Ira Dobrow, IT Development Manager, Insurance Fraud Bureau of Massachusetts/
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