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AgriFutures Australia automates research grant activity with Nintex

Who They Are

AgriFutures Australia plays a critical role in helping the agricultural industry understand and raise awareness around both sector-level and industry-specific challenges and opportunities impacting the agricultural community. They invest in research, innovation, and leadership to strengthen rural industries and regional communities.

What they need

A cloud solution was required to replace existing on-premise project management software to manage the research grant process. Managing applications was difficult and time-consuming for both staff and research applicants.

How they did it

AgriFutures Australia manages all research grant activity with Nintex Automation K2. Research calls are initiated, contracted, and managed end-to-end via an automated process using workflows in the cloud.

Cloud-based project management reduces time to contract research projects from 4 weeks to as little as 30 minutes

Prior to the 2019 bushfires in Australia, the project management technology AgriFutures Australia used to support the management of the research grant process was located on-premise in Wagga Wagga – in country NSW, Australia. It became clear that a move to the cloud as part of a broader digital transformation project was required.

Whilst a need for a better disaster recovery strategy helped kickstart the project, the real catalyst was the user experience – or lack of it – during the application and administration process, it was difficult to initiate, submit and manage research applications. The process was manual and took a lot of time.

Once awarded, contracts were either emailed or physically mailed to applications. For the in-house IT team, the platform was hard to develop on, which made adding new enhancements difficult. There was also a lot of support required from the IT helpdesk to help people submit applications.

Building vibrant rural communities through research

AgriFutures Australia chose to move to Nintex to take advantage of the cloud-based workflow platform. A key feature for the IT team was the open API’s, as well as good integration points to their existing systems.

These two features allowed AgriFutures Australia to implement a best-of-breed technology stack that could be used across all areas of the business, with the flexibility to swap out systems as they were replaced.

The research process is now mapped out end-to-end, with all approvals and delegations embedded into the workflow process. Program Managers from any part of the business are now able to initiate and manage their own projects, from opening a call for applications, to receiving applications, awarding them, and managing the program once the research is underway. The automated approach has provided much easier access to large volumes of data, which are now able to be viewed and analyzed for trends. The data can also be displayed on dashboards – which makes it more easily accessible across the organization.

The full solution went live in six months, and after some time to manage the learning curve, it’s now embraced by users.

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Customer Testimonials

Issuing a contract went from 3-4 weeks to as little as 30 minutes. Our users now have an intuitive task-based system, both internally and externally. One researcher even called it the easiest research system they now use.

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One of the beauties of Nintex Automation K2 and where it really shines is…we’ve had to make lots of adjustments due to changes in our business and Nintex Automation K2 has been very quick at adapting to these changing business requirements on the fly.

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Nintex has allowed us to take a truly agile approach to interface development and respond to our users’ requirements.

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It’s been life changing for the judicial registrars. They would fear this process previously, and now it’s just so easy. What once took two people 6 days now takes one person half a day.

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Nintex Automation K2 [Software] helps us to work efficiently and provide urgent help for children in desperate need of accommodation, protection and support.

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Migrating to Nintex Automation K2 [Cloud] is opening up lots of new opportunities for Food Standards Agency. We expect to be able to enhance our existing K2 Software-based apps and develop new ones to further improve the quality and efficiency of our data collection.

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With other tools, we’d have needed to come up with workarounds for things that Nintex K2 Cloud just did right out of the box.

Richard Noyes Master Data Governance Lead – Global ERP Implementation

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We wanted to make the application as seamless and user friendly as possible. We were able to both add enhancements to WATRS and make it easier to use, too.

Hanna Buchan Senior Analyst

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I like [Nintex] K2 Five because it’s a satisfying enterprise workflow solution that easily integrates with our platforms. Moreover, [Nintex] K2 Five is always adding new features and enhancements continuously, which keeps us always eager for new experiences. Most of all, their responsive support offers peace of mind.

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This modern, innovative solution, which is unique in Poland, serves as a channel for our brand communications policy, and significantly improves our management of the brand elements with our internal and external partners.

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With the Skuid enhanced apply flow, we are filling roles faster and more efficiently. Our candidate drop-off rate has decreased while the quality of our applicants has increased. Based on the feedback from our recruiters and our new hires, these improvements tie directly back to our talent brand that Skuid helped us craft.

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