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Home|Using Nintex|Case Studies|Transdev Auckland Overhauls Process Management and Improves Operations

Transdev Auckland Overhauls Process Management and Improves Operations

The transportation company used Nintex Promapp® to promote transparency and increase efficiency in every area of their business.

Facilitating 19 million passenger journeys along its rail network each year, Transdev Auckland had a long list of processes to ensure safety and smooth service. Given the scale of Transdev Auckland’s operations, processes needed to be efficient and seamless. However, existing systems were messy, clunky and poorly monitored. The company needed an integrated, easy-to-use process management solution that could be tailored to its needs, keeping operations transparent.

Transdev also needed to meet senior management’s goal of five international standard certifications within one year. In order to accomplish this task, focus on risk management and improve operations, Transdev Auckland invested in Nintex Promapp®.

Transdev Auckland
Capabilities Used
Process Manager

Who they are

Transdev Auckland operates the rail service on behalf of Auckland Transport, transporting thousands of Aucklanders around the city’s passenger rail network each week.

What they need

A smooth process management system that increases transparency and is easy to use.

How they did it

Implemented Nintex Promapp® to improve operations across the organization.

Standardized Processes Make Organization-Wide Impact, Improving Operations

After implementing Nintex Promapp®, Transdev Auckland saw positive effects in several key areas of the company. Right away, the process management software helped Transdev Auckland live up to its motto of “Uncompromising Safety” by streamlining health and safety processes. Nintex Promapp® made it easier for teams to report hazards, and log health and safety issues.

Nintex Promapp® impacted operations throughout the company, streamlining processes to help teams across the business get on the same page. The communications team created Nintex Promapp® guides and collateral, which integrated with the technology’s simplicity to increase staff engagement. The new system has also encouraged staff to map more processes, making daily procedures simpler and easier to follow.

Nintex Promapp® enables staff to restrict access to various documents, assign and notify staff, attach images and evidence, customize forms and more, creating a centralized system for improved transparency. Nintex Promapp® also assists with internal and external audits, as all information and evidence is grouped together.

The risk add-on has delivered benefits to Transdev Auckland as well, making it easier for staff to find specific policies and information on tasks like booking company car parks, or completing leave forms. Nintex Promapp® cuts down time spent on searching for resources, with all procedures being clearly mapped out. The resulting efficiency helped Transdev Auckland achieve ISO compliance for five international standards within one year, making it the best-certified group in the international Transdev Network.

Auditors like evidence and thanks to Nintex Promapp® we can be proactive, showing when a task is completed by attaching images and relevant documents.
Martina McVey Risk and Nintex Promapp® Advisor, Transdev Auckland
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