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Contract management

Finalize contracts more easily, close deals quicker, and make time for other business

Efficient, paperless contract management

Business relationships are defined by contracts. They formalize responsibilities, specify who is buying what from whom, set prices, and put conditions in place if anything goes wrong. Automating contracting processes from beginning to end transforms your contract lifecycle. You can boost productivity, increase compliance, improve the bottom line and help your salespeople. With Nintex, businesses save time on finalizing contracts, so they have more to use building customer relationships.

More accurate data
Improve information-flow between enterprises, people, and business systems—accelerating process cycle times and increasing accuracy.
Improve compliance
Enforce and operate on the latest terms, conditions, controls, and policies to improve compliance. According to Aberdeen Research, compliance is improved 55% with a contract management process.
Gain control
Forecasting is vastly improved with better data and analytics. By eliminating manual processes and centralizing your document repository you gain greater control and improve efficiency.
Poor contract management impacts your bottom line

Inefficient contract processes create undue stress for your sales team. Poorly run processes can lead to non-compliance, inaccurate information, and delayed sales cycles. With so much on the line, it doesn’t have to be—and shouldn’t be—so difficult.

Efficient end-to-end contract management

Streamline contract processes from start to finish by generating data-driven contracts and routing them quickly and efficiently for review, redlining and approval.

Auto-generate notifications and documents, and easily collect e-signatures

Eliminate errors, bottlenecks and busywork as well as improving compliance. Auto-generate contracts and route them for review, automatically tracking changes along the way. Secure contract access, ensure compliance, trigger notifications, electronically collect e-signatures—and even get sign-off when the signer is out-of-office.

An automation solution for every industry

No matter your industry or business role, the Nintex Process Platform gives your team the tools - and time - to get your best work done.

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