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Harvey Performance Company standardizes complex manufacturing processes with Nintex

Consolidation project delivers a set of centralized, easy-to-use, cloud-based standard operating procedures.

Harvey Performance Company (Harvey) has undergone significant growth in recent years, including the acquisition of five companies, bringing together a diverse range of brands, locations, and IT systems. They have recently undertaken a project to integrate multiple ERP systems. Consolidating and streamlining standard operating procedures (SOP) and processes across the organization was part of the project.

Harvey fosters a culture of continuous improvement and has been able to harness its deep organizational knowledge with the help of Nintex Process Manager. The outcome has not only created a standardized and centralized repository for all company processes but has also enabled seamless knowledge sharing and training across the organization.

Harvey Performance Company
Capabilities Used
Process Manager

Who they are

Harvey Performance Company delivers high-quality precision tooling to their customers in the manufacturing and metalworking industries to help them solve their challenging machining requirements.

What they need

Harvey Performance Company undertook an IT consolidation project after acquiring five companies.

How they did it

Nintex Process Manager was implemented to strengthen standard operating procedures (SOP) across the organization. A cloud-based solution was built to provide a centralized location for all processes.

Ease of use led to widespread user adoption

Getting staff to use a new system is often one of the hardest components of any IT implementation. The IT team at Harvey was working with an aggressive project timeline and had to transition complex processes to a new system, across multiple locations, with varying levels and styles of documentation in use due to multiple acquisitions.

The new technology has allowed Harvey to build processes based on how teams work, with a deep understanding of company operations and transactions and correct terminology to explain processes central to user adoption. There is also the option to provide feedback in the system available to all users, which allows for a closed-loop approach to quality assurance. This approach has allowed for continuous improvement to be embedded where and how people work.

The result is a growing list of standardized, cloud-based, and hyperlinked resources that staff can use to complete their day-to-day work, readily accessible at any time. Processes outlining how to complete work are easy to find, and any updates can be done with full document audit controls in place – with no impact on users – they can still find what they need in the same central location.

User adoption is the biggest challenge we have when we implement new technology. Nintex Process Manager is one of two systems we have implemented that we have had no complaints about. It has been readily accepted and adopted throughout the organization.
Michael Murray, Vice President of IT, Harvey Performance Company
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