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Home|Using Nintex|Case Studies|Character Cabinets Builds a Strong Process Culture

Character Cabinets Builds a Strong Process Culture

Nintex Promapp® allows a full staff to deliver standardized quality, consistently on time.

Character Group gained a stellar reputation and new business growth after adopting Nintex Promapp® into their business process management plan.

During a process management investigation, a member of the team noticed that there was no procedural documentation for standard work. They were losing time, making mistakes and couldn’t manage issues efficiently.

Character Cabinets
Capabilities Used
Process Manager

Who they are

Character Group produces cabinetry and stone benchtops for about 2,000 homes a year in Western Australia. They mass produce their products, but every kitchen and every house is unique. Planning is essential to meet this customized demand on time and on budget.

What they need

Character Cabinets needed to fill the gap in their operations. To avoid losing time, and making mistakes, they implemented Nintex Promapp® to make improvements and manage risk.

How they did it

Nintex Promapp® was easy to implement, cost-effective and simple to use. The process mapping and management software would pay for itself in process efficiencies in as little as six months.

Investing in work culture

The process mapping wasn’t left to one person – all the management, supervisors and even front-line staff were involved, which meant that the whole company was on board. Now, even in training sessions, Nintex Promapp® is used to map processes that need improving.

With Nintex Promapp®, everyone in the company is now aware of how other team members fit into each process. This makes it much easier to work together.

Staff have been able to meet deadlines without compromising safety or quality.

"We’re more efficient, our production is faster and we’re improving our work culture. Working together is really paying off."
Daniel Giles, Lean Operations Facilitator, Character Cabinets
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