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Home|Nintex Blog|Paving a path to the cloud with the Nintex Workflow Cloud Upgrade Program

Paving a path to the cloud with the Nintex Workflow Cloud Upgrade Program

The Nintex Workflow Cloud Upgrade Program is probably one of the most important initiatives in our company’s history, and the success of our customers is fundamentally intertwined with our own success. Our business was initially built off the back of SharePoint’s workflow engine but as our business, and the business of our customers has evolved and expanded, with it has come new demands to refine processes and connect with the evolving systems that make up the digital workplace. 

After Microsoft indicated its plans to wind down support for the SharePoint workflow engine in Office 365, we created the Nintex Workflow Cloud Upgrade Program to pave an easy path for our customers who rely on SharePoint workflows to manage and run critical business processes. 

We understand how important it is for this transition to the cloud to be as simple as possible for our customers. With that in mind, the Nintex Workflow Cloud Upgrade Program is designed to help customers easily upgrade their existing workflows into a modern, cloud-based environment with dedicated support and guidance from Nintex process experts.  

On September 13th, we will be hosting our Nintex Workflow Cloud Upgrade Symposium where we will outline multiple options we are making available to customers to seamlessly manage the upgrade process. The symposium will be available in three different time zones to accommodate customers around the world: 8:00 AM PDT, 1:00 PM AEST, and 9:30 AM BST. Here’s what to expect:  

Agenda for the Nintex Workflow Cloud Upgrade Symposium  

  • Introduction to the Nintex Workflow Cloud Upgrade Program 
  • Options to upgrade 
  • Innovation strategy update from Neal Gottsacker, Nintex Chief Product Officer 
  • Stories from Nintex partners and customers who have been through this upgrade journey
  • Next steps to get started

Start upgrading workflows to the cloud today 

There is a training course in Nintex University that walks customers through the upgrade process, part one is available here. 

There is also a quick YouTube video that shows how to upgrade workflows in Nintex for Office 365 to Nintex Workflow Cloud. Please note that both a Nintex Workflow Cloud and Nintex for Office 365 environment are required before you begin your migration. 

Get support from Nintex Professional Services  

The Nintex Professional Services team is available to support customers with services that help upgrade and relaunch workflows in Nintex Workflow Cloud. 

Get support from Nintex partners  

Our world class partner community stands ready with upgrade offerings to help accelerate cloud automation upgrade projects for Nintex for Office 365 and Nintex for SharePoint customers. 



For more information, please visit here or contact your Nintex representative. 



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