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Home|Nintex Blog|Meet three Middle East customers who successfully made the move to automation

Meet three Middle East customers who successfully made the move to automation

Using automation to replace manual work is the primary goal for many of our Middle East customers. Not surprisingly there is a common reason that customers successfully navigate the move to digitization, and that’s ease of use.  

Let’s hear more from three Middle East customers as they share their automation stories. 

Oman Arab Bank drives digital transformation

“Automation has changed the way work is processed at Oman Arab Bank,” shared Suliman Al-Hattali, Head of Business Process Management. 

Work is now easier to process, manage and optimize, and automation has delivered an 8x ROI and a reduced rate of error. The no code, user-friendly interface also means faster deployment times.  

“Nintex is user-friendly, it ensured utilization of everyone involved,” adds Johka Al-Rashid, Head of Planning and Product Management. 

Watch the Oman Arab Bank video. 

Khalifa University uses workflow to automate request processing

Today, it’s easy for Khalifa University to create and manage processes including travel requests, HR requests, and finance requests. The time it takes to build workflows has been significantly reduced because it’s so straightforward to design and create workflows.  

Fahem Al Nuaimi, CEO, National Research Education Networks said, “It used to take days to create workflows… now it takes hours.” 

Watch the Khalifa University video.

United Arab Emirates Ministry of Interior automates employee complaint process

The Ministry of Interior replaced its manual, paper-based employee complaint system with an automated platform to provide a faster, more transparent, and more responsive process for employees. 

Col. Mohammed Saeed Al Sharmsi, Director of Smart Solutions commented, “One of the features in Nintex’s products that we considered to be excellent is how easy it is to use… the interface has proven to be user-friendly and that allowed us to execute our programs in a faster manner.” 

Watch the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Interior video.

Ease of use leads to faster deployment times, and that has been a critical success factor enjoyed by all our customers who had their stories featured here.



If you would like to learn more about the technology behind these stories – head over to the Automation On-Prem page. 



Kirsty Taylor

Kirsty Taylor is part of the corporate marketing and communications team at Nintex. She works with our customers globally to help them share their stories with a broader audience as part of our customer advocacy program. Her focus is on building out programs that help infuse our customer's stories into everything we do.

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