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CIO Automation Trends in 2022 to look out for

Since the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated a remote work culture, technology has been deployed rapidly and at scale throughout business. This has meant big changes in the Chief Information Officer’s (CIO) role.

The CIO and IT department are no longer in the background of decision-making. Right now, they are at the forefront of innovation within their organization, championing technology that can be pivotal to its survival.

In the shifting digital landscape of the post-pandemic world, CIOs need to keep their fingers on the pulse of automation trends. The world is a fast-moving place, with trends moving in and out.

With any new digital trend comes more responsibility for CIOs to shoulder. If you’re a CIO, or a close collaborator, then you’ll be eager to know the latest automation trends.

The top 5 CIO automation trends heading your way

The thing about trends is that one minute they’re part of the conversation and next minute they’re an afterthought.

Automation trends have long-term effects across industries. CIOs need to be on the ball with industry changes, so they can pivot their organization appropriately through this new terrain.

Here are the top 5 automation trends coming this year:

  1. Customer experience

Organizations can’t survive without delivering high levels of customer experience. The best product in the world can easily be ruined by the grim aftertaste of a poor customer experience. This is how customers remember your organization, which is why customer service is so essential to get right.

The CIO will become increasingly responsible for customer experience, as automation continues to streamline processes to improve the interaction of customers with organizations. Workflow processes, chatbots, and more can bring efficiency to one of the most vital components of any organization. CIOs take note, if you haven’t started already.

  1. Sustainability

Building toward a sustainable world via achievable goals is in the CSR strategy of every organization and industry. While there is so much that everyone can do, for organizations one answer lies in automation.

Automation is key to boosting productivity and efficiency, while removing paper-based processes. Through implementing digital forms, e-signatures, and robotic process automation (RPA), CIOs can chart the path to sustainability for their organizations.

Sustainability, much like automation, isn’t going anywhere. It’s simply going to get bigger and evolve. CIOs need to be ready to initialize this ongoing trend.

  1. Responsible automation

Automation is all about liberating the workforce from time-consuming tasks and eradicating broken processes. As CIOs discover processes that need improvement, the well-being and value of employees also need to be taken into account.

Looking at the automation process responsibly, the best solution can be applied so employees’ roles can be more focused, valuable, less overbearing workload-wise, and feature less repetitive tasks. From there, they can apply their energy to the tasks that matter most. Ultimately, automation is empowering and, once deployed, employees quickly realize its benefits.

  1. Seamless hybrid/remote working

One of the biggest changes during the pandemic was the move from office spaces to the home office. Even in 2022, many aspects of remote working have remained. Some of the biggest tech giants out there now offer remote working as standard for those who are able to work from home.

However, the hybrid model seems to be the most popular, with three quarters of employers now offering it. But there’s one problem. Many hybrid workplaces are still not working as efficiently as hoped. In fact, 72% of businesses lack a strategy to make it work.

Despite this, remote and hybrid working are here to stay. CIOs need to urgently recognize that process automation is essential to seamless hybrid working. Process discovery and process mapping can find bottlenecks or pain points in current remote and hybrid models, allowing them to create smoother, more efficient processes in the future.

  1. Digital imperative

It’s been doing the rounds recently on social networks and industry-related articles. Digital imperative can be defined as the urgent need for businesses to go digital in the post-pandemic world to stay competitive. There’s no longer the choice not to. Again, going digital is imperative, and CIOs must be aware of the pivot from digital transformation to digital imperative.

We’re in a whole new era now that demands change at a monumental pace and at rapid scale. CIOs must now tailor their automation strategies to suit the new goals of top-down, end-to-end changes in how we work.

Stay on top of automation trends with Nintex

Automation trends may be difficult to keep up with but having a platform that has all the tools in one place to make it all happen is the key to not falling behind. Nintex has everything that a CIO needs so they discover, implement and measure their process automation strategies.

Developed for many departments and industries, our software is ready to transform the way you work by eradicating broken processes and delivering your process automation goals.



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