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Barnardos optimized its back-office systems with Nintex Promapp®

Australian child protection organization Barnardos Australia chose Nintex Promapp® to deploy across its organization to ensure that operational and compliance processes align with its strategic objectives, management systems, policies, and procedures.

Barnardos serves more than 14,000 vulnerable children, young people and families each year in New South Wales (NSW) and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). Its foster-care and support teams, more than 800 people in all, work to ensure that the children have safe, stable environments that allow them to flourish.

Why Nintex Promapp®?

The non-governmental, non-denominational organization chose Nintex Promapp®, the leading cloud-based process mapping and document solution, following growth and expansion in its services and an internal audit. The audit identified a range of improvement opportunities, including a requirement for a central process repository and the adoption of a culture of continuous improvement, both of which Nintex Promapp® supports.

Barnardos also needed a solution that would support both head-office teams and remote staff, and that could help it manage procedures involving donors, philanthropists, and government agencies, all part of its responsibility to ensure that funds are used to achieve optimal client outcomes.

Continuous process improvements

Nintex Promapp® helps Barnardos achieve continuous process improvement by enabling users to maintain processes via simplified process mapping and providing a central collaboration point to report and track quality issues.

Nintex Promapp® supports Barnardos’s collaborative culture by enabling staff to easily suggest process improvements as part of the central content repository. Nintex Promapp®’s process variant management add-on also will help Barnardos manage different requirements in ACT and NSW that vary due to state legislation.

The first phase of Nintex Promapp® ensures that all processes and operations are captured, providing a consistent framework across Barnardos’s People and Practice, Corporate and Finance Services, and Engagement Partnerships and Giving divisions.

A second phase focused on reaping the benefits of Nintex Promapp®’s modular functionality for continuous quality improvement by encouraging continuous feedback and providing a central location to manage processes, compliance requirements, risk and quality issues.

Nintex Promapp®’s ease of use and support for repeatable processes helps Barnardos optimize the efficiency of its back-office systems and support, which in turn helps the organization ensure that it spends most of its resources on clients.


Embed process ownership, collaboration, and accountability by handing process back to the business with Nintex Promapp®. Intuitive feedback tools will have employees engaging to optimize processes – all possible from the office, home, or on the road. ​See it in action


Laetitia Smith

Leading and executing on Nintex's PR/AR initiatives and social media program, Laetitia Smith fills the role of corporate marketing director. She loves collaborating with customers to share their success stories as they manage, automate, and optimize their business with the Nintex Process Platform.

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