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Safety inspections

Seamlessly manage safety inspections in the field with digital forms and workflows

An automated inspections solution

Safety inspections are crucial to helping prevent incidents, accidents, and injuries, but organizations often still conduct these in a manual fashion using paper and pen. Information can easily get lost or shortcomings aren’t responded to quickly enough when administrative tasks or processing drag out. A digitized, automated solution helps eliminate delay and risk, allowing your employees to have peace of mind in the field.

Capabilities Used
Mobile-friendly to provide information on-the-go
Inspectors can fill in forms on their mobile devices and send information back to headquarters in real-time.
Quickly respond and take remedial actions quickly
Send notifications and communicate corrective actions to employees and people immediately once inspection is processed.
Use audit history to track actions
Provide detailed logs and history to external auditors to confirm and validate corrective actions took place.
Conduct inspections and reduce risk

Our safety inspection application gives supervisors an easy way to complete inspections while funneling the information back to their headquarters for action. The solution provides field inspectors ease of use with forms that can be used on any mobile device such as a phone or tablet and delivers the crucial feedback back to their team to carry out remedial actions.

Discover how K2 Software helps you meet your safety goals

Watch the video to learn how you can seamlessly manage safety inspections and address issues faster.

Real-time insights into safety risks for immediate action

Using Nintex K2 SmartForms, an inspector can submit pertinent information in real-time to headquarters and route tasks accordingly based on metadata within the inspection. Easily escalate any high priority problems to the appropriate supervisors to resolve issues quickly and reduce risk.

An automation solution for every industry

No matter your industry or business role, the Nintex Process Platform gives your team the tools - and time - to get your best work done.

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