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Nintex K2 Software administration

Keep critical Nintex K2 Software processes healthy

Assess and optimize your business-critical workflows running on K2 Software

Business-critical workflows need to stay up and running at all times. With our workflow management solution, you can quickly and easily check on the health of all K2 Software servers and workflowsrapidly diagnose, and resolve process-related issues. 

Capabilities Used
Easily connect to K2 Software environments
Install connections to each K2 Software server to check the health of every workflow running across your organization.
Quickly identify and resolve any issues
A simple user interface allows for data correction and retrying the process.
Built-in auditing tracks all administrator interventions
Track changes made and updates to workflows to ensure visibility and create an error-free audit trail.
Rapidly diagnose and resolve process related issues

Allow administrators to visualize and fix process-related issues when and where they happen. Monitor and retry errors using a batch processing approach with advanced settings to control volume and timing. Re-index your K2 Software database and compare performance matrixes using visual charting. 

Closely monitor the systems that keep your business running smoothly

It’s critically important that the automation software that runs your business processes are functioning optimally. That’s why our partner Method Automation created MAPWorkflowz, a tool that simplifies the administration of K2 Software and allows you to view all your K2 Software servers in one place, monitor processes, and resolve errors quickly.

Image of Mapworkfloz
Work with a trusted partner

Nintex Partner Method Automation leverages K2 Software to build solutions that transform time-intensive processes into hyper-efficient, user-friendly business applications that increase productivity and provide full visibility.

Logo of Method Automation Services
An automation solution for every industry

No matter your industry or business role, the Nintex Process Platform gives your team the tools - and time - to get your best work done.

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