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Microsoft Teams governance

Streamline the governance of your Microsoft Teams processes with Nintex Workflow Cloud

Manage Microsoft Teams for true modern collaboration

Collaboration apps play an essential role in bringing people, processes, and systems together. However, with an increase in activity on Microsoft Teams, the risks to IT governance have grown. Nintex Workflow Cloud provides a simple and effective solution to Teams governance that avoids disorganized information and enables a truly modern collaboration experience.

Organize your Teams channels
Nintex Workflow Cloud allows you to easily and safely request, create, and archive Teams groups. Establish simple, automated processes for Teams governance that enable better and faster collaboration.
Ease the strain on security and IT
Streamlining the processes around Teams governance makes it easier for your IT department to regulate groups and channels.
Manage access controls
Reduce the spread of unauthorized groups and channels and maintain control over the volume of groups being created so IT and Operations can support your environment optimally.
Take control of user access

With more users logging into Microsoft Teams every day, more conversations happening and more meetings taking place, the risks to IT governance have grown. With Nintex Workflow Cloud, you can put processes in place to create new channels, grant individuals’ access and permissions, and help your employees to communicate and collaborate more productively.

Ramp up your collaboration capabilities

Easily build an automated provisioning workflow to define Teams group owners and members, configure custom channels, and manage group privacy and security settings – all without writing a single line of code. You can even set Teams group lifespans so that groups are automatically archived when projects are complete – removing the need for your IT team to continuously track down old groups and clean up your environment.

Teams governance
Better governance for your systems of record

Nintex Workflow Cloud integrates with your critical systems of record, including Microsoft Teams, enabling you to optimize your Teams governance processes.

Learn more about Nintex Workflow Cloud >>
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