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Inspection management solution

Increase the speed and efficiency of your inspection process with automation

Smarter, faster inspections

Organizations across numerous industries are faced with having to follow meticulous quality management procedures to ensure both the quality of their finished product and the safety of their workers. Yet many companies are still using a variety of manual, paper-based processes with disjointed systems and no standardization. With process automation software, all data is collected and recorded digitally, eliminating errors, increasing visibility, and reducing workloads. 

Capabilities Used
Standardized processes limit legal risks
Workers can accurately compare quality required and delivered and rapidly escalate issues to the right teams. All actions are recorded, providing an audit trail that supports compliance with regulatory requirements.
Gain greater value from data
All data is collected digitally in a standardized format. Content is automatically routed to your business systems of choice. Data can then be easily analysed to pre-empt issues and drive continual improvement.
Work on the go
Access forms and workflows in the field, on any device. Even when there’s no internet, forms can be completed and will sync with systems when online. Manage data consistency even when connectivity is a challenge.
Inspection management made simple and efficient

Manage inspections digitally, on any device, with a customizable app to suit your business needs and meet your legal compliance obligations. Ideal for large enterprises with complex back-office line-of-business systems, as well as small and mid-sized companies with nimble operations and reporting requirements. Going paperless has never been easier. 

Discover the power of an automated inspections process

Design and deploy custom forms in minutes to manage any inspection. Teams can access these forms in the field on mobile devices and share data with the office for swift processing, analysis, and action. Use digital forms to schedule work orders for field services and repairs, easily track steps, collect data, and complete documentation.  

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Work with a trusted partner

Nintex Partner Indocs has helped great companies to achieve their digital goals by optimizing business processes, automating tasks and speed up business by using apps built on K2 Software.

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An automation solution for every industry

No matter your industry or business role, the Nintex Process Platform gives your team the tools - and time - to get your best work done.

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