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Employee recognition

Automate your employee recognition program

Improve your employees' experience

Human resources teams are often challenged to create solutions that drive engagement and improve overall employee experience. Improving employee experience has been shown to improve overall customer experience, reduce attrition, and increase employee satisfaction. One initiative that can help boost employee experience is around recognition, whether peer-to-peer or manager-nominated.

Capabilities Used
Boost employee engagement
Teammates, managers, and leadership alike can engage and elevate their coworkers and employees by nominating them for recognition.
Understand your employees' performance
Get a clear view of how employees are performing and how their peers consider their work.
Reduce the burden on HR
Automatically track progress, notify submitters and nominees, and follow up via email or push notification.
Drive employee recognition and gauge success

Our automated employee recognition solution provides employees a simple solution to nominate their peers for recognition. Managers can also review nominations as they are submitted and incorporate the information provided in the nomination form to understand how their teams are performing. With the help of a recognition tool, managers and leadership alike can engage and elevate their employees appropriately.

See the pre-built solution for employee recognition

Here’s how you can build a more positive company culture with an employee recognition program that automates tasks for managers and HR.

Build a more positive company culture

When team members are given the opportunity to recognize their coworkers for their hard work, employees feel connected to each other and as an organization. What’s more, employees who receive nominations are likely to be considered and elevated for promotion purposes.

An automation solution for every industry

No matter your industry or business role, the Nintex Process Platform gives your team the tools - and time - to get your best work done.

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