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Customer engagement

Improve your customer support and engagement with automation

Communicate with customers through multiple channels

New customer engagement channels, social media, and new device form factors have presented both challenges and opportunities for most customer-facing organizations. Businesses need a system that can take customer communications from a variety of channels and flow them into a single system which will allow the business to analyze, understand, and process data in the appropriate way, whether that is using AI or humans.     

Capabilities Used
Omni-channel integration
Use our administration portal to configure channels for inbound communication (email, forms, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc).
Reduce case resolution time
Leverage machine learning to automate the next best action to take with customer enquiries, and route to the appropriate parties.
Better, more consistent customer engagement
Communicate easier with your customers wherever they are comfortable to quickly resolve their problems.
Processing of structured and non-structured data

Omni-channel customer engagement has never been easier. Our automation software allows you to process large amounts of structured and non-structured data to quickly and efficiently address issues at any point during the customer lifecycle. Designed using RPA and machine learning technology, it supports SMS, email, scanned documents, IOT devices, Twitter, WhatsApp, and more. New channels of communication can be added as they emerge, ensuring that solutions built today will easily connect with the technologies of tomorrow. 

See omni-channel customer engagement in action

Learn more about Nintex Partner Nimbe’s InFlow solution, an omni-channel integration, data analysis, data mining and enrichment tool for managing inbound communication and business process automation.

Work with a trusted partner

Nintex Partner Nimbe provides solutions and services in the areas of machine learning and business process automation. They help organizations like yours achieve intelligent and meaningful automation solutions to improve their business.

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No matter your industry or business role, the Nintex Process Platform gives your team the tools - and time - to get your best work done.

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