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Budget justification

Effectively document and justify a proposed budget with process management

Eliminate errors and ensure your budget is successfully approved

Budget justifications or budget narratives are required to explain and subsequently justify a proposed budget. As a vital component of a proposed budget, the justification provides support and context around the overall budget as well as specific line items. Creating and reviewing a budget justification by solely using manual processes leads to a multitude of potential errors, such as disorganization, the circulation of multiple versions, missed deadlines and incorrect content. Integrating a web-based application that utilizes automated workflows and Microsoft technologies to create, manage, and approve will help budget teams to generate a successful justification document. 

Capabilities Used
Accelerate budget book creation
Automatically merge and track additions, edits within the main document and import/export assigned sections for team member review to eliminate the circulation of multiple document versions.
Fully integrate with your current systems
Integrate with the systems that are vital to your business, such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Office 365, and SharePoint.
Drive and maintain document standardization
Configurable style set manages font types, headings, layout, and overall document appearance, enabling editors to focus on content rather than format.
Accelerate manual budget justification processes

Utilizing structured and defined workflows provides full visibility into the process at all times, allowing editors of the budget justification to focus more time on the narrative aspects of the book and less time on manually updating financial data and content. 

Assemble, review, and approve budgets with ease and speed

Clone a previously completed justification document, assign member roles and sections for review, gain visibility into changes made, and get automatic notifications when tasks are complete.

Picture of budget justification
Work with a trusted partner

Nintex Partner Method Automation’s Budget 360 is designed and developed specifically for the Local, State, and Federal governments. As a web-based document-editing platform, Budget 360 provides an intuitive Microsoft Word-like experience to make creating and editing justification documents less cumbersome and more functional and compliant. Budget 360 can integrate with Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management as well as other financial management systems. 

Logo of Budget 360
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