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Leave requests

Automate vacation requests to free up your human resources department

Automation makes leave requests quick and painless

A good vacation is great for employee morale and preventing burnout. With a little time off, they return refreshed, happier, more productive and more engaged. But slow, bureaucratic manual leave processes frustrate employees, line-managers, and HR, and waste everyone’s time. With Nintex, you can now automate the leave request process, quickly and efficiently get approvals and record time off.

Save time for HR
When the HR team don’t have to deal with queries about employees’ leave balances, they have free time and attention to focus on core business activities.
Reduce payroll errors
Cut down manual errors in calculating employees’ paid and unpaid leave and reduce financial leakages in leave, attendance, and expense related transactions.
Improve visibility
Get insights about the availability of all team members during a specific period so you can make well-informed decisions on approval/rejection of requests.
Easier absence tracking

Paper-based, manual leave requests can cause unnecessary administrative overheads, regulatory noncompliance issues, and even lost productivity due to unscheduled absences. When you map and automate leave requests with Nintex, they’re streamlined, expedited, and errors are minimized.

From leave request to logging and payroll notification

Now leave requests can be quickly and easily routed to approvers, requestees notified of approval status, prompted to log their time off in the calendar, and details automatically passed to payroll – all within the same Nintex workflow.

Picture of algorithms leave requests
Get everyone on the same page

With Nintex, you can now create a centralized vacation request workflow capable of screening approvals, and automatically notifying other departments of planned absences. This means everyone can more effectively coordinate projects and people, as well as minimizing request-related admin.

An automation solution for every industry

No matter your industry or business role, the Nintex Process Platform gives your team the tools - and time - to get your best work done.

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