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Why Your Business Processes are Still Broken

How to finally fix your broken processes

In spite of all the automation technology available to today’s enterprises, many business processes remain entirely broken. Paper-based processes are often the norm, while inefficient busywork threatens to soak up much of each employee’s day. Addressing this problem, in fact, is more of an organizational challenge than a technology one. Begin with process mapping so that your process center of excellence can understand the current situation. Then break down the various issues with an eye toward understanding where to best apply automation.

It’s also important to understand the various types of automation technologies available, including document automation, robotic process automation, digital process automation, and case management. Apply the proper mix of such technologies in the context of a human-focused transformation of workflows and other processes in the organization to meet the business needs of the enterprise, while maintaining the agility necessary to deal with changes in the business environment as well as updates in technology.

Get the eBook to learn:

  • How you can start to fix your broken processes
  • Where to begin on this digital transformation journey
  • What the various automation technologies are to facilitate your journey