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The role of consultants in Operational Excellence

In-house vs. external operational excellence (OPEX) efforts

Investing in an Operational Excellence program can improve the way your team works and deliver a wide range of benefits. However, building an OPEX program is often a significant undertaking, forcing organisations to consider whether to carry out the task internally or outsource it to expert consultants.

While outsource the job can be tempting, implementing a culture of operational excellence requires sufficient buy-in and involvement from the business – making change management difficult and putting the success of the program at risk.

As a result, the decision to run the program in-house or externally is difficult. Join Process Expert, Ishan Sellahewa, as he explains what to consider when deciding on your delivery model.

Watch on demand now and learn:

  • The pros and cons of outsourcing vs. operating in-house
  • Which activities need to be owned by the organisation and which can be outsourced
  • What to consider when selecting a consultant to set yourself up for success

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