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Nintex Promapp Local Government Shared Process Library

Councils across Australia and New Zealand have made their processes available to share with other councils. Whether you're developing a new process, looking to improve existing ones or simply curious to see how other councils do things this is an excellent resource! Learn why Nintex Promapp® is the BPM tool of choice for 120+ councils across Australia & New Zealand. We have over 2000+ processes for both councils in Australia and New Zealand. It’s completely free – all you need to do is fill in the form below using your local government email address and you will be sent log-in details to the shared library. You’ll be able to view, download, and print any of the processes in the library. As a bonus for Nintex Promapp® customers, you’ll also be able to import them into your own Nintex Promapp® instance to kickstart your process journey. Simply fill out the form to register.