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Nintex Next Perspective: 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer

Trust, and what it means for businesses

Trust plays a major role in the success of a business. As organizations, we have a responsibility to our communities to ensure that our mission and leadership support a more stable and prosperous future. Each year, along with many other organizations globally, Nintex looks to the Edelman Trust Barometer to better understand the climate we’re operating in and determine how societies’ trust in major institutions might play a role in our business decisions during the coming years. This report surveys 32,000+ respondents across 28 countries to gauge the varying levels of trust in business, government, media, and NGOs.

Watch Troy McCombs, Managing Director, US Enterprise Technology at Edelman and Ben Tamblyn, VP, Corporate Communications and Brand at Nintex to explore the findings of this year’s survey and discuss the key takeaways for businesses looking to build trust within their communities and client bases.

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Troy McCombs

Troy McCombs
Managing Director, US Enterprise Technology at Edelman

Ben Tamblyn

Ben Tamblyn
VP, Corporate Communications and Brand at Nintex