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APAC Webinar: Five Essential Workflow Templates to Get Back to Work Safely
Practical COVID-19 response workflows that are fast and easy to deploy
Employee health and safety is important to all organisational leaders and even more so today given the impact of COVID-19. Companies everywhere are making decisions on whether or not to reopen the workplace, including how and when to allow employees to return to an office or job site and/or updating their guidelines for a fully remote workforce. This is not a small undertaking and involves change management, updates to organisational procedures and employee handbooks, and presents an opportunity to streamline and automate business processes.
To help improve the way people work, Nintex has made more than 130 downloadable templates, from process maps to workflows and digital forms, available within the Nintex Solution Accelerator Gallery to help ensure employees, visitors, and new hires are safe and in compliance with company procedures.
Hear from Nintex experts Dan Stoll and Chris Ellis in this on-demand webinar where they’ll cover five essential workforce templates that can be deployed in hours (not days) to help your organisation automate processes and ensure a successfully transition for your employees to the new way of work:
- Returning to work requests
- Office seating management
- Health and safety processes
- Remote employee on-boarding
- Communicating updated processes to employees

Dan Stoll
Director, Technical Product Marketing, Nintex

Chris Ellis
Manager, Technical Evangelism - APAC, Nintex