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Home|Nintex Blog|How Whitbread ensures safety and compliance at 800+ hotels with Nintex K2

How Whitbread ensures safety and compliance at 800+ hotels with Nintex K2

Multinational hotel and restaurant company Whitbread relies on Nintex K2 Cloud to help meet strict health and safety standards across its entire chain of Premier Inn hotels.

At the 2020 FastFWD Worldwide Virtual Event, Adelle Chilinski, Head of Risk, Governance, and Compliance at Whitbread, highlighted several key processes the company automated with Nintex K2’s intelligent process automation and how it has become a central operating system for Premier Inn.

Paper documentation leads to confusion

Health and safety are paramount at Whitbread and Premier Inn, but the company didn’t always have an easy time proving this fact. “We have a great track record,” Chilinski said at her FastFWD presentation, “but we weren’t technology-focused and a lot of our recording was done on paper, leading to confusion, loss of records, and people not actually being able to prove they were safe when it really mattered.”

With 150 compliance checks required per the Premier Inn site alone, that could add up to 2 million compliance checks per year. This absorbed a lot of time, with less time available to focus on the guest experience and on Whitbread’s own team members.

The company knew it needed to adopt a technology-first mindset to simplify and meet stringent compliance requirements, along with other key operational tasks in the business.

Whitbread’s journey into intelligent process automation

Whitbread faced many challenges in transforming processes around compliance. Legislation could change the way compliance was handled, which meant the processes needed to be flexible. Premier Inn was also growing, which meant any solutions needed to be scalable with the business.

Additionally, Whitbread has an attrition rate of about 40%, which meant there was a continuous need to keep team members trained and up to date on compliance.

“We were looking for a partner to help us develop a long-term, flexible solution,” Chilinski said. So the organization turned to Nintex K2 with the goal of creating a “one-stop-shop” that would become its central operating system.

Nintex K2’s intelligent process automation platform: “A one-stop-shop”

Nintex K2 proved to be the right solution for compliance along with additional operational improvements across the business. The company has automated several key processes, including fire and safety checks, incident and accident reporting, and working time regulation checks.

In 6 months, Whitbread has completed 918,000 tasks, and the platform is now critical to ensure the company meets all of its compliance requirements. Nintex K2 has become a one-stop-shop for operations, leading to a number of positive business outcomes including:

According to Chilinski, “Everywhere you go, people understand that [Nintex K2] is making a big difference in their lives and the way in which they work. It’s become a real game-changer.”



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