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Home|Nintex Blog|Stepping confidently, and carefully, into the future of AI and automation

Stepping confidently, and carefully, into the future of AI and automation

“In my career, I’ve been privileged to be at the forefront of numerous advancements in automation, especially recent innovations in low-code/no-code and artificial intelligence (AI). The surge of interest and investment in AI is palpable, but our mantra has always been clear: approach AI with caution and strategy, always seeking value and security over speed.

“Recently, we hosted an AI-themed hackathon — a vibrant company-wide event where our teams and partners created numerous fully functional generative AI prototypes across work areas. The projects tested, and ultimately proved, many of our theories about how AI will radically transform the efficiency of our products.

“The experience underscored the fact that AI and automation have the potential to bring about near-endless transformative shifts in business dynamics.”

Read more for possible changes [in AI and automation]
that could unfold across four key areas in the future,

according to Randy Grohs, Nintex Chief Architect,
in this Workflow Magazine article.


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