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Home|Nintex Blog|Kryon Process Discovery™: What It Is and What It Isn’t (Clue, It Isn’t Process Mining)

Kryon Process Discovery™: What It Is and What It Isn’t (Clue, It Isn’t Process Mining)

Maximizing ROI is what every company strives for. The Kryon Process Discovery™ tool helps enterprises meet that goal by overcoming one of the biggest obstacles to the successful use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA): identifying and choosing which tasks to automate.

While Kryon’s automated Process Discovery solution is fundamentally different from conventional process mining tools, we’re often asked about the similarities (and differences) between these two solutions. It is true that both use objective data analysis to identify business processes and provide companies with valuable insights, but there are still some big differences between Kryon Process Discovery and process mining solutions.

Learn more about RPA and Process Discovery in Kryon online knowledge center

To help you decide which approach is the best for your RPA activity, let’s dive a little deeper.

Kryon Process Discovery: Providing specific details to maximize the benefits of RPA

The purpose of Kryon Process Discovery is simple: to enable enterprises to quickly identify and automate the processes that are best suited for RPA. As the first step in a company’s end-to-end RPA journey, Process Discovery is designed to prepare the organization to start (or scale up) automating processes with Attended AutomationUnattended Automation, and/or Hybrid Automation – no technical background or programming skills required.

Kryon discovery robots run on employees’ computers without interrupting their work, using Kryon’s patented computer vision to gather useful information in real time. Then, Kryon’s AI-powered analytics engine uses this information to identify every variant of any given processes.

For every one of these processes, Kryon Process Discovery gathers granular information and key analytics on each step giving you insights into the process’s automation potential. Then, it uses that information in three main ways:

  1. To visualize each process and variant, providing a detailed map of user actions across all applications (including navigating screens, clicking buttons and menus, working with files, entering data into forms, and using a keyboard to perform other actions).
  2. To identify the most promising opportunities by providing metrics such as the number of employees performing a given process, frequency, average duration, its number of steps, and its number of variants.
  3. For each discovered process, it automatically generates an automation workflow with all steps already recorded and configured. Then you can quickly and easily import this workflow into the Kryon Studio, fine-tune it, test it, and start assigning it to your robots.

Would it be worth a couple of weeks to find out if you could shorten your RPA implementation time by up to 80 percent? Because that is exactly what Kryon Process Discovery helps our customers achieve.

Process mining: Generating a variety of useful insights into how your company works

The most important difference between process mining and Kryon Process Discovery is their purpose. Whereas Process Discovery provides a company with a granular and quantitative look at its employees’ processes in order to help them realize the full benefits of RPA, process mining solutions are designed to provide a high-level look at an enterprise’s business processes. Additionally, in contrast to Process Discovery’s use of computer vision, process mining tools gather information from back-end sources such as event logs, databases, and APIs – resulting in a slower approach to collecting and analyzing data.

More specifically, process mining tools can be used for three different purposes:

  1. To create a model of a process
  2. To check whether a process is performed as planned (checking conformance with the company’s planned process model)
  3. To calculate specific metrics regarding the way a process is performed, in order to identify ways to enhance its performance

All three of these are useful to businesses, offering insights that can help them make their processes more efficient and avoid the consequences of noncompliance. Process mining can also be used to find out which areas of a company have many repeatable, rules-based, and time-consuming processes – in other words, processes that are well suited for RPA.

But while it provides valuable information, process mining is no substitute for Kryon Process Discovery, because it simply doesn’t match its level of detail into employee actions – including the ability to automatically generate fully functional automation workflows.

By identifying which processes to automate, when to automate them, and which versions of each process to automate, Process Discovery allows you to start enjoying the benefits of RPA much sooner than process mining tools. What more could you ask from a business automation solution?

Our webinar – Accelerating Your Business, with Automated Process Discovery – will show you how Wyndham Hotels & Resorts saved over $300k with Kryon Process Discovery™, so make sure you register.

Ready to see for yourself what Kryon Process Discovery™ can do for your business? Request a live demo!



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