Watch the Pizza and Process Session On-Demand
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Pizza and Process
May 2022
Pizza and Process with Jonathan Butler feat. Caroline Jung
Pair your process with a slice of pizza and watch Pizza and Process episode 12 on-demand with your host Nintex Product Manager, Jonathan Butler. In the episode, we hear from low-code architect Caroline Jung. The two discuss how to automate a capital expenditure approvals process.
Pizza and Process is an educational webinar series hosted by the Nintex product team. Attendees will gain insider knowledge behind product development decisions – featuring discussions with Nintex power-users and process automation experts. New episodes will air every month. Each episode will combine different workflow dialogues, anatomies, and philosophies, but will always feature a new process and guest speaker.

Caroline Jung
Low-Code Architect & Nintex vTE,
Bechtle Suisse SA

Jonathan Butler
Product Manager,