Watch the Pizza and Process Session On-Demand

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Pizza and Process
August 2021

Available On-Demand | Pizza and Process with Jonathan Butler feat. Dan Burke

Pair your process with a slice of pizza and watch Pizza and Process episode 6 on-demand with your host Nintex Product Manager, Jonathan Butler. In the episode, we hear from Nintex's very own Dan Burke who is a process automation expert and technical presales leader at Nintex. The two discuss the best way to automate an expense management process that's easy and efficient for both employees and accounting teams. Pizza and Process is a educational webinar series hosted by the Nintex product team. Attendees will gain insider knowledge behind product development decisions – featuring discussions with Nintex power-users and process automation experts. New episodes will air every month. Each episode will combine different workflow dialogues, anatomies, and philosophies, but will always feature a new process and guest speaker.
