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Home|Using Nintex|Case Studies|ANZ Bank digitally transforms paper-based systems with Nintex Advanced Workflow

ANZ Bank digitally transforms paper-based systems with Nintex Advanced Workflow

Processes 30% more loan applications per month

As the fastest-growing bank in Indonesia and one of top 50 banks in the world, ANZ knew its rapidly increasing transaction volume would eventually overwhelm its existing business processes and workflow

Like most banks in Indonesia, ANZ manually handled document submission and verification. Customers filled out paper loan applications and supporting documents, then delivered them to bank branches by mail or courier. Branch officers traveled to the bank’s headquarters or used postal mail, email, and phone calls to submit loan documents for verification. Lost or inaccurate documents created more emails and phone calls.

Additionally, ANZ must adhere to strict verification and financial regulations, including the Foreign Accounts Compliance Act. This act requires that all banks outside the United States provide key information about U.S. clients, including citizenship validation, to the Internal Revenue Service–a complex yet crucial process.

ANZ needed to streamline their business processes across day-to-day transactions and meet compliance requirements. The bank chose Nintex partner Ebiz Cipta Solusi to automate authentication, approval and compliance processes based on existing Microsoft SharePoint and SQL Server installations, with the addition of Nintex Advanced Workflow and Modern Forms.

ANZ Bank
Financial Services
Capabilities Used
Automation Cloud

Who they are

ANZ provides a range of banking and financial products and services to 10 million customers in 34 markets globally. With a workforce of 50,000 employees, ANZ is among the top four banks in Australia, the largest banking group in New Zealand and Pacific, and among the top 50 banks in the world.

What they needed

ANZ Bank needed to replace its manual processes for retail and institutional operations with a scalable, standardized solution that provided workflow transparency, electronic collaboration and document storage to better serve its customers and meet international regulations.

How they did it

ANZ Bank uses Nintex Advanced Work Flow and Modern Forms to automate and streamline retail, institutional and branch operations. They also use Nintex tools to better manage document verification and compliance.

Automated processes help scale operations and reduce risk

With Nintex Advanced Workflow and Modern Forms for SharePoint, ANZ has automated and streamlined multiple complex workflows across its operation.

The bank uses Nintex to manage account services transactions for retail and institutional operations. Liabilities, wealth transactions, and mortgage loan transactions are now securely executed through Nintex, leveraging the security features of SharePoint to ensure data security. Customer requests are automatically routed to the right recipients, and custom collateral is automatically created for customers. Nintex also supports ANZ’s Know Your Customer (KYC) verification process and ATM service operations.

With Nintex, ANZ operations are now streamlined, automated, scalable, and future-proofed.

Transaction and approval errors have decreased with Nintex—but the main benefit is scalability. Thanks to Nintex…our retail customers can usually open an account in less than a day.
Frederick Nathaneal, Head of Business Process and Operations Management, ANZ Bank
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