IDC, sponsored by Nintex, reveals ways to automate for success in this free whitepaper. Read now x

Process excellence built for government entities

Government agencies that embrace process excellence view each process as an asset, where transparency, accountability, stewardship, and integrity is always maintained. Digitally transform your operations with Nintex Process Platform to better serve your citizens and employees.

Deliver more for less
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Improve efficiencies

Overcome budget constraints by streamlining the processes that drive your organization. Automated processes improve efficiency, effectiveness, and citizen satisfaction.

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Facilitate change

Public opinion and policy can change rapidly. Remove outdated paper-based and manual procedures to become more agile and meet the demands of new policy and public expectations.

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Break down cross-agency silos

Coordination and communication across government departments have never been more important. Break down information silos and remove manual processes to achieve cross-agency coordination.

Become digitally fit to achieve process excellence

In an era when constituents see themselves as consumers in nearly all areas of life, most expect the same quality, technology-enabled experiences from government organizations.

Digital Fitness for Government
Develop a process center of excellence

In one of Harvard Kennedy School’s studies, it cited the importance for government to adopt a process management office (PMO), which centers around building process center of excellence. A well-implemented center can help you reduce cost, save time, and improve citizen experience.

eBook: Six steps to drive your process center of excellence to success
Digitize and automate paper tasks

Within any government entity, there is always a multitude of  documents stored in Microsoft Word, PDF, or physical printouts. Break free from siloed documentation and automate your processes to achieve operational excellence.

eBook: 7 key processes that government organizations are automating now
Drive successful continuous improvement

Innovation and agility are more essential today than ever, but government entities cannot reinvigorate unless they address a poor process culture. To achieve continuous improvement, you must learn and break through the barriers that hampers your ability to become operationally excellent.

Whitepaper: Breaking barriers to drive successful continuous improvement
Automation in action - Government
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