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Public health agency gains transparency and auditability

Dedicated to promoting workplace health and safety, WorkSafeBC knew it needed a better way to manage workflows, projects, and the overall organization of 3,000 staff members supporting more than 100,000 employers. Too many manual systems left WorkSafeBC struggling to maintain quality and timeliness. WorkSafeBC saves time and money with workflows for everything from travel requests and claims filing to invoice approval and records retrieval. Plus, new approval processes have greatly increased transparency.

Capabilities Used
Application Development

Who they are

WorkSafeBC is Canadian a workplace health and safety organization that supports more than 100,000 employers with 3,000 staff members.

What they needed

WorkSafeBC needed to gain control as an increasing number of manually managed systems and processes were slowing the team down.

How they did it

WorkSafeBC built workflows for travel requests, claims filing, invoice approval, records retrieval, and much more—with visibility into where approval processes sit in real-time.

Developing a workflow engine with process automation

Challenge: Too many manual processes

WorkSafeBC needed to gain control as an increasing number of manually managed systems and processes were slowing down the team and decreasing overall quality. The team also wanted to create added transparency and audit-ability, so the right people would know where things were and who had done what, eliminating bottlenecks.

Reg Dyck, IT Division Manager at WorkSafeBC who manages the Express Solutions group responsible for SharePoint management and no-code development, says, “We had a larger project that needed a workflow engine, and knew we needed something at the enterprise level to use throughout the organization.”

Solution: Automation for quality and timeliness

The company brought in a partner to accelerate in their workflow development and implementation of Nintex K2 Five. Today, people can easily access their worklists, letting them know immediately what needs to be done. WorkSafeBC built workflows for travel requests, claims filing, invoice approval, records retrieval, and much more—saving the company time and money. They can also now see where approval processes sit in real-time, adding transparency and efficiency to their systems.

“You can be functional quickly, but if you need to do more advanced work, it takes a deeper understanding of the software,” said Dyck. “Support for Nintex K2 Five has been very helpful throughout the process. Bringing in experts to coach and lead by example made all the difference.”

Some of the people on the team are not developers. They were never developers. And they’re coming in, learning the different mindset, and have learned internally how to build out and sustain development.
Reg Dyck, IT Division Manager, WorkSafeBC
Replacing outdated forms

Challenge: Outdated forms and systems

WorkSafeBC had several automated forms developed using Outlook forms in a unique way. However, the platform for these forms, Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, was no longer supported. Because of this, there was a strong push to get all 75 forms off Exchange and integrated into their current systems.

The company had initially tried to implement the project using InfoPath with SharePoint workflows. Implementation was taking too long and proving to be too costly to migrate all the Outlook Forms by the time the Exchange Server was to be upgraded.

Solution: Digital forms to capture data

DMS was able to help with both workflow development and Nintex K2 SmartForm implementation using Nintex K2 Five. “We came into a situation where there were tight deadlines and a team needing training. It was a challenge but one that we felt we could achieve together,” said Sergio Del Piccolo, Director of Business Transformation Services at DMS.

After DMS was engaged, it took only six months to be fully productive and effective, a timeframe that has decreased with each new implementation and is expected to be even lower with the upcoming Nintex K2 SmartForms replacement.

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