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Home|Using Nintex|Case Studies|Manufacturer improves efficiency and heightens customer service

Manufacturer improves efficiency and heightens customer service

This manufacturer of domestic refrigerators and freezers has transformed its customer repair process with Nintex K2 Five. Liebherr Hausgeräte’s new end-to-end Nintex K2 Five workflow enables it to deliver a high standard of customer service, improve collaboration with over 300 partners, and streamline quality control procedures.

Liebherr Hausgeräte
Capabilities Used
Application Development

Who they are

Liebherr Hausgeräte manufactures and extensive range of high-quality refrigerators and freezers.

What they needed

The manufacturer needed a tool for workflow automaton that would allow it to automate more complex processes end-to-end.

How they did it

Liebherr Hausgeräte leveraged Nintex K2 Five to create new process efficiencies, including speeding its customer repair processes.

Allowing flexibility in key business workflows

Challenge: Seamlessly connecting with partners

For many years, Liebherr Hausgeräte had used Microsoft SharePoint and a competitor’s process automation platform to automate key business workflows, but it had become frustrated with limitations in those technologies. It had ambitions to create more complex, end-to-end process automation, but SharePoint alone was not up to the task.

Solution: Workflows integrated with core business apps

Liebherr Hausgeräte selected Nintex K2 Five and, in just two years, developed more than 20 workflows, fully integrated with other core business applications—not just SharePoint. The organization finds it very easy to create process prototypes and implement new workflows using K2 Software.  For example, it took Liebherr Hausgeräte under three days to develop a new process to allow customers to apply for a free gift as part of a marketing promotion.

Nintex K2 Five has allowed us to create a connected repairs process that is one closed circle. It is helping us to improve our overall business efficiency while delivering a high-quality service for our customers.
Marcel Maier, CRM Project Leader, Liebherr Hausgeräte
Delivering a higher level of quality control

Challenge: CRM limitations

In particular, the company wanted to create an automated process for its customer repairs that could be initiated directly by customers and used by external partners as well as internal employees. The company had recently migrated to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM and, as a result, could no longer make its core CRM application available to over 300 external service partners without buying Microsoft licenses for each user.

Solution: Improved customer support

Nintex K2 Five has enabled the company to introduce a new repair process that helps the organization deliver a fast, effective repair service for customers. Now, when customers have a fault with an appliance, they can complete a Nintex K2 Five-based form on the company website, providing details of the product serial number and nature of the problem.  The service request details are then automatically passed to Microsoft Dynamics CRM and the repair is quickly allocated to the nearest approved service partner.

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