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Delivering an exceptional customer experience at transportation company

FMG Support is the UK’s largest fleet incident management company. As a vendor for public and private fleets, the company offers a wide array of services, including incident management, roadside repair, specialist vehicle recovery services and legal assistance.

It delivers business-critical, 24-hour vehicle and driver support to corporations, leasing providers, insurers, Highways England and several police forces.

When the company realized it couldn’t be manually connecting variant data sources of information during every customer interaction, FMG Support implemented K2 Software to manage and automate its business operations.

Capabilities Used
Application Development

Who they are

FMG Support is the UK’s largest fleet incident management company for public and private fleets.

What they needed

A workflow solution that connects variant data sources of information to improve every customer interaction.

How they did it

FMG Support implemented K2 Software to manage and automate its business operations.

Needless delays and errors eliminated

Challenge: Manual, error-prone processes

When FMG Support’s phone rings, it’s important. Customers may be at the scene of a traffic accident, needing immediate roadside assistance. Even if they haven’t been in an accident, their requests for vehicle repair or assistance with insurance claims must still be handled urgently in order to keep the customer’s organization running smoothly.

Customer service representatives must offer rapid, reliable help which can involve a complex convergence of many processes; various parties — including the customer, insurance providers, law enforcement and a host of service and parts vendors — may be involved in a single case.

Oftentimes, the information required to fulfill a request may not come in a timely or orderly way and may come from various parties.

FMG was handling these processes through emails and phone calls, and the manual routing sometimes led to mistakes or slow service at a moment when time was critical.

“Nothing was automated,” Gary Cocker, Head of Program Management, said. “When we got a call, our operator had to remember the rules of the process or look them up. Sometimes people did not interpret the situation correctly. They couldn’t tell if they were making an error and they went down the wrong path. This could result in skipped steps of the process, missing information and a dissatisfied customer.”

FMG deals with a high volume of requests for service, and these processes are mission-critical, Cocker said.

Solution: Organized, automated workflows

With the workflows activated, the entire business runs smoothly. Everything — from start to finish — is automated and streamlined.

Now, when a call comes in, operators enter information into electronic forms and are guided through a consistent, robust process that eliminates errors and ensures all requests, approvals and information are routed correctly and in a timely manner.

When calls for time-critical roadside assistance or vehicle repair come in to FMG’s massive call center, customer service representatives enter information into custom electronic forms, then the process automation takes over. It routes workflows, performs calculations and automatically sends notifications or requests. K2 Software automates FMG’s fleet-services processes and streamlines the delivery of top-notch customer service.

FMG’s new automation system, built with K2 Software, saves time and eliminates confusion. Most importantly, it ensures that time-critical processes stay on track. Information is accurate and consistently passed to the right people at the right time; errors are prevented; information never gets lost and customers receive service that meets or beats their expectations every time.

“As information comes in, automation drives the entire process: it routes to decision maker who qualifies the case, sets up associated tasks, chooses which supplier we’ll use, makes necessary contacts and sends out requests and notifications for next steps,” Cocker said. “We’ve essentially used K2 Software to automate and standardize decision-making, so a very high level of customer service is delivered every single time.”

“Our business, end-to-end, is run on K2 Software, and the number of issues we encounter when it comes to these processes is practically zero,” Cocker said. “Process automation is the driver behind our operations. We use it to manage everything that happens from the time a call comes in: dealing with the logistics, directing the process, communicating with vendors, scheduling service or other actions.”

“We are incredibly proud of the services we provide to our customers and we do it well because of automation technology we have in place.”

Our business, end-to-end, is run on K2 Software, and the number of issues we encounter when it comes to these processes is practically zero.
Gary Cocker, Head of Program Management, FMG Support
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