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Home|Using Nintex|Case Studies|Bringing powerful solutions to market in less than half the time

Bringing powerful solutions to market in less than half the time

The Communications and Information Technology Commission is the ICT sector regulator and a catalyst for the development of ICT in Saudi Arabia. CITC has the mandate to ensure that users have access to superior quality, affordable communications services. It operates according to an ethos of openness, transparency, fairness and equality among service providers, investors, government, and individual and corporate users.

With 400+ internal employees and 100+ user organizations among eight service providers and consumers who access the CITC e-Services platform, CITC invested in Nintex K2 Five to speed up the delivery of solutions to its users.

Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC)
Capabilities Used
Application Development

Who they are

The Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) is the ICT sector regulator and a catalyst for the development of ICT in Saudi Arabia.

What they needed

An antiquated toolset, technology and legacy systems couldn’t keep pace with the frequent regulatory changes CITC faced. The needed a modern automation tool.

How they did it

Using Nintex K2 Five, the company can rapidly develop and deploy low-code process-based applications and e-services for use across CITC’s user segments.

Connecting existing solutions with workflow

Challenge: Circular, time-consuming development process

An antiquated set of tools, technology and legacy systems couldn’t keep pace with the frequent regulatory changes CITC faced. The organization needed to quickly update solutions to reflect modifications to existing or new laws altogether.

These changes cascaded through CITC’s many e-services and had a significant downstream impact on users.

With each change, CITC was in a race against the clock using a tedious, inflexible system. Building solutions of average complexity typically took 3-4 months. Time-to-market delays would cause frustrations with end-users.

CITC’s IT processes required each and every solution to be built from scratch – from the ground up without the ability to replicate or incorporate some or all of its existing code. Entire solutions which only needed slight variations still required tedious custom coding.

It was so time-consuming that CITC had to hire outside contractors to build and maintain updates, draining resources to conduct unnecessary work.

Solution: Libraries of reusable code

CITC chose Nintex K2 Five as its new workflow engine due to its flexibility, functionality, and affordability of the product. It also offers a user-friendly scripting language with Arabic language support.

CITC’s automation solution provides one architecture and technology for rapidly developing and deploying low-code process-based applications and e-services for use across CITC’s user segments.

The agility, scalability, and re-usability of Nintex K2 Five has enabled the technical team to develop solutions more swiftly and with fewer resources than before, with no need for external contractors. CITC’s internal team of around 20 specialists handles all development, maintenance, support and analysis in-house.

Prior to introducing Nintex K2 Five, it took 3-4 months to build a solution of average complexity. Now using the workflow automation these can be developed in one month or less.

Overall, time to market has been cut by 50-70%, depending on the nature of the request and service, with over 60 e-services solutions built with Nintex K2 Five.

The adoption of Nintex K2 Five has led to significant improvements in efficiency across the business. All the new workflows are highly secure and enable CITC to control and measure employees’ KPIs. However, the chief benefit has been a significant increase in user satisfaction.

Our experience with Nintex K2 Five is that it’s rapid response to change and high-quality outputs has increased user satisfaction across our business.
Omar I. Al-Sadhan, Business & Systems Analysis Team Lead, CITC
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