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Home|Using Nintex|Case Studies|Accelerating bank processes to deliver exemplary customer service

Accelerating bank processes to deliver exemplary customer service

Icelandic bank Landsbankinn has shaved up to 4 days from key internal processes, allowing it to operate more cost-efficiently and deliver an improved service for its 143,000 retail and corporate customers.

Landsbankinn’s vision is to be exemplary in everything it does. As the largest bank in Iceland, it aims to continually enhance the satisfaction and loyalty of its customers and improve its operational efficiency—and it is achieving both these goals through the use of K2 Software. To date, the bank has developed over 40 automated solutions that are delivering faster, more convenient services for customers, as well as improving the cost efficiency of back-office banking and HR operations.

Financial Services
Capabilities Used
Application Development

Who they are

Landsbankinn is the largest bank in Iceland offering a full range of financial services.

What they needed

The bank needed a process automation solution to help streamline and automate its manual and paper-based processes.

How they did it

Using Nintex K2 Five the bank has developed over 40 automated solutions that are delivering faster, more convenient services for customers.

Rapid authorization of loans for employees

Challenge: Too many hands touching each process

The back-office banking processes at Landsbankinn had been unchanged for many years and relied on a large number of paper-based forms, which were passed around the organization, from department to department, in the in-house mail system. Requests for employees’ loan authorizations, for example, needed to be sent from branches to different corporate teams in the credit risk department, personal or corporate banking department, and access control department—and took up to five days to process. “Automating our internal processes became a necessity,” says Ragnhildur Ragnarsdóttir, Software Development Team Leader at Landsbankinn. “We needed to reduce the numbers of pairs of hands that touched each part of the process, to improve our efficiency.”

Solution: Loans authorized four days sooner

Using K2 Software, Landsbankinn created a series of automated processes for securing all of the necessary internal approvals for employee loan authorizations. This solution is now delivering significant time savings for the bank. In fact, the new process for loan authorizations has reduced loan authorization times from up to five days down to only one day.  Information security has also been improved, as sensitive information is no longer sent on paper via in-house mail systems, and the quantity of paper used within the bank has reduced significantly.

Each step of the process is fully traceable, so managers can see the status of any loan application at any time and monitor the number of applications from customers using SmartForms.

K2 Software has given us an out-of-the-box workflow engine that we can use to create any new process we need, without time-consuming and costly bespoke programming.
— Ragnhildur Ragnarsdóttir, Software Development Team Leader, Landsbankinn
Efficient processing of employee requests

Challenge: Thousands of requests from 900 employees

The human resources (HR) team at Landsbankinn is responsible for managing over 900 employees who work either at the bank’s headquarters in Reykjavik or at 37 branches across Iceland. Every month, it receives a number of requests from employees covering everything from maternity leave and relocations to expense claims and benefits allowances. All these internal HR processes used to rely on printed forms, which were passed from desk to desk for approvals. The paper forms could get lost, and there was no easy way for the HR team or employees to track the progress of individual requests.

Solution: Rapid development of digital HR forms

Using K2 Software, the HR department at Landsbankinn has been able to introduce dozens of workflows that have transformed sheets of paper into fully automated digital processes. Ragnarsdóttir says, “[Nintex] K2 Five has given us an out-of-the-box workflow engine we can use to create any new process we need, without time-consuming and costly bespoke programming.”

This use of Nintex K2 Five for the bank’s HR department has delivered substantial time savings for all employees across the business, as new HR requests can be approved in just one day, rather than four to five days. Furthermore, HR processes are now much easier to manage as the HR team can see, at a glance, how many employee requests have been raised and how many are still in progress, awaiting authorization. Requests are no longer delayed due to misplaced pieces of paper, and employees have greater confidence in the process.

Greater assurance of regulatory compliance

Challenge: A strict regulatory environment

Like all financial services organizations, Landsbankinn needs to comply with a large number of strict national and international financial industry regulations. The bank also has to adhere to wider legislation from the European Union including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which governs how businesses can hold and use personal information. Landsbankinn already had robust systems and processes in place to ensure its compliance with relevant legislation but sought to strengthen its position using K2 Software.

Solution: Consistent processes with compliance built-in

Through its development of K2 Software, Landsbankinn has been able to ensure that all the correct steps are followed, in every process, to maintain compliance with relevant regulations. The organization has also been able to reinforce effective controls to protect the bank.

For example, a workflow has been created to manage the bank’s response to customer requests to see what personal information the bank holds about them, as is now their legal right under the terms of GDPR. “the workflow automatically requests all information about a customer, from multiple departments, collates the information into a report, and delivers it to the customer, ensuring our compliance with GDPR while also saving a lot of time for employees,” Ragnarsdóttir explains.

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