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Achieving Process Maturity: Navigating Your Path to Operational Excellence

March 6th
9:00 AM PT

Join our Process Maturity webinar

This insightful webinar guides you through the essentials of process maturity and its importance for your organization.

In this webinar you’ll learn:

  • What process maturity is and why it is vital for your business
  • Lessons on why ignoring Process Maturity will cost your digital transformation initiatives
  • Practical examples from experts on successful process maturity achievements

And as a bonus, after the webinar, you’ll also receive access to the Nintex Process Maturity Calculator and supporting eBooks. Don’t miss this chance to gain valuable insights and elevate your business operations.

Your speakers:

Trudi Masalski – Senior Product Marketing Manager, Nintex  

With extensive experience in product marketing, Trudi will guide you through the critical aspects of process maturity and its impact on business operations.

Bree Barsanti – Senior Solutions Engineer, Nintex  

A passionate advocate for process improvement, Bree has coached numerous businesses to streamline their operations and achieve higher process maturity.

Trudi Masalski

Trudi Masalski 
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Nintex  

Bree Barsanti

Bree Barsanti
Senior Solutions Engineer